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Arm Shaving: A Comprehensive Guide

Arm Shaving Guide: Tips & Techniques for Men and Women

Thanks to sweat glands, underarm shaving is a common practice for most people – but what about forearm shaving? With so few statistics on the topic available, it's safe to assume there's no social consensus on forearm shaving.

Public opinion aside, there are also no health benefits to shaving your arms either. So, as with most body hair removal, choosing whether to keep or ditch your arm hair is more about personal partiality, than being a matter of right or wrong. If you do decide to shave your arms, we've put together an in-depth guide which covers off:

  • The pros, cons and dos and don’ts of arm shaving

  • Preparation, shaving and aftercare for arm shaving with an electric shaver

  • Alternative arm hair removal methods

  • Answers to common arm shaving questions

Pros and cons of arm shaving

For some, even the smallest bit of stubble anywhere on their arms or hands is seen as unsightly, whilst for others the mere consideration of shaving their arms is completely unthinkable. If you're wondering 'should I shave my arms?' we've put together a list of advantages and disadvantages to help you come to a final decision.

Pros of arm hair removal

Pros of arm hair removal

  • Pronounced muscle definition

  • Less noticeable sweating

  • Feeling cooler in hot weather if you have denser hair

  • Aesthetically pleasing if you have arm tattoos to show off

  • May help with wound healing and stitches

  • Can boost body confidence

  • Increased athletic performance

Cons of arm hair removal

Cons of arm hair removal

  • Potential skin irritation or ingrown hairs

  • Possible razor burn and nicks

  • Dry skin if no post-shave aftercare routine

  • Retaining less heat in cold weather if you have denser hair

How to prepare for arm shaving with an electric shaver

How to prepare for arm shaving with an electric shaver

When shaving arm hair with an electric razor, pre-shaving prep is essential:

1) Before you begin, lay out everything you'll need

2) Next, trim longer hairs with scissors, then cleanse and gently exfoliate skin.

3) Give your arms a final wash.

4) Towel dry and lubricate the section of your arm you want to start with by using lathered up shaving gel.

How to shave your arms with an electric shaver

How to shave your arms with an electric shaver

  1. Hold the electric razor in your dominant hand.

  2. Start by shaving wrist to elbow. For rotary electric shavers move the razor in rotations, for foil shavers use short strokes that go with the grain of your arm hair.

  3. Rinse out hair and residue between shaving sections.

  4. Repeat and apply shaving gel to your upper arm until smooth shaven.

Aftercare for shaved arms

After you've shaved your arms, moisturise them while your skin in still damp. Using an alcohol-free lotion with SPF protection is best as you may find your skin is hypersensitive for a few hours after shaving. You'll likely need to shave again at least once or twice in the next two weeks.

Arm Shaving Do's and Dont's


  • Soften hairs before shaving by submerging arms in a bucket of water or soaking them under shower

  • Choose the right electric shaver (waterproof, flexible and has adjustable guard lengths)

  • Keep your arms moisturised at every stage of shaving (shower gel pre-shave, shaving gel during and moisturising lotion post-shave)

  • Shave each arm individually, in sections: start with your forearms, then upper arm and finish with under arms

  • Check your razor blades are sharp before use


  • Dry shave your arms

  • Forget to rinse out your razor between sections

  • Rush the process

  • Keep going over a shaved section

  • Press hard on skin with your shaver

Alternative arm hair removal methods

If you don't fancy shaving your arms with a manual or electric razor, there are plenty of alternatives to try:

Hair Removal Creams

The most painless of these options is hair removal creams. The advantage of these is that they work quickly after application and the emollient elements of the creams tends to leave your arms feeling deeply moisturised. The downside of depilatory creams is that they require regular application to stop hair growing back within a week.

Waxing and Sugar Waxing

If you want to invest in arm hair removal that will keep for three weeks to a month, waxing is a safe bet. Waxing works by removing hair at the root of the hair follicles en masse.

Sugar waxing is often seen as a kinder-to-skin choice, because the wax can be applied at a cooler temperature than hard wax. The risks of waxing involve skin burn (if the wax is too hot) and increased skin sensitivity. You’ll also need to wait a few weeks between waxes for hair regrowth.

Epilation / Electrolysis


Like waxing, epilators stunt hair growth directly at the root. Epilators are electric devices, so although they need to be plugged in or fully charged to be used, the advantage of this is that they are reusable. Many epilators are also offered in waterproof variety to help you remove hair in the shower. Plus, overtime, you'll find that your arm hair is a lot thinner and grows slower with epilator use. Here is our guide on how to use an epilator.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light technology) & Laser

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light technology) & Laser

IPL hair removal and laser hair removal both work by disrupting melanin in your hair follicles but differ as treatments. Each method needs a minimum of three to nine months to work effectively and display results of noticeable permanent hair reduction. Read this guide for a better understanding of the differences between IPL and laser technology.

Recommended products for this job


Threading arm hair is a smart choice if you're after an inexpensive hair removal solution for sensitive skin. No chemicals are used, and results are fast. Despite this, hairless arms from threading only last two to four weeks and you'll likely need to have this done professionally, unlike other arm hair removal options which you can achieve in your home.


In summary, if you choose to do so, shaving your arms at home is just as simple as shaving your legs when you follow the DIY pointers and tips outlined above. Remember to keep skin clean and conditioned at every stage of hair removal, no matter which method you choose.

Arm shaving and arm hair removal FAQs

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