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What is IPL Hair Removal & How does it work?

What is IPL Hair Removal & How does it work?

What is IPL Hair Removal & How does it work?

If you’re tired of daily shaving and hair removal methods that leave your skin feeling bumpy and rough, you might have considered trying IPL already. This at-home treatment is renowned for long-term, visible hair removal – but exactly what is IPL?

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light - it works by concentrating a beam of light onto hair follicles, heating them up and stunting regrowth.

One of the best things about IPL devices is that they are easy to use at home and can cut down on trips to the salon. You should also note that IPL devices can usually only be used on fair to medium-brown tones and with hair ranging from natural blonde to dark brown / black - so be sure to check whether they are suitable for you.

IPL is an affordable hair removal method and easy to do yourself with our guide.

How does IPL work and what are the benefits?

So, what is IPL hair removal?

IPL hair removal is a progressive treatment that offers full body hair removal - but you can use IPL to treat separate areas, such as your arms, legs, or pubic area, depending on your individual needs.

When using IPL, you’ll hold a flashgun device that delivers a spectrum of light to the skin. These rays of light target melanin, which helps it reach the hair root and disable key areas within the follicle. It’s a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t cause irritation to your skin’s surface, as waxing and other common options might.

Not quite convinced yet? See below for some of the main benefits of using IPL , compared to other hair removal methods:

  • You can undergo IPL hair removal in the comfort of your own home, applying these gentle flashes of light around your desired body areas after shaving.

  • What is IPL treatment and how does it work over time? With repeated use IPL delays the production of new hair, preventing regrowth over time.

  • With epilating or waxing, you’re advised not to shave for a few weeks before treatment, which can lead to stubbly body hair during that in-between period – not ideal if you want to hit the beach and try out that new swimsuit! You won’t have to worry about this with IPL, as you’re actually advised to shave before treatment. Shaving before your IPL hair removal treatment helps the light beam to focus in on the hair root.

  • When using IPL, you’ll need to shave less and less as your treatments go on. As the hair follicles will be empty, you’ll notice fewer ingrown hairs and less stubble ‘shadow’.

  • IPL treatment helps to smooth out the texture of your skin, whereas waxing or threading can cause inflammation

Not all IPL devices deliver the same results. You may have to undergo treatment for months with some IPLs, whereas the Braun Silk Expert Pro 5 takes just 4 weeks to achieve visiblehair reduction, with smooth skin up to 1 year.*

It’s been especially designed with a skin sensor to automatically detect the tone of your skin, so that it is always adapting the flash intensity, for a perfect balance between gentleness and fast results.

How does IPL work and what are the benefits?

Does IPL hurt? Separating myth from reality

It’s a common assumption that IPL isn’t a pain-free method of hair removal, due to the fact it uses beams of light to heat up the hair follicle. The truth is that you’ll barely feel a thing when using Braun IPL devices, which benefit from a range of comfort modes, so you can safely and gently use it across your body. You might feel a light flick during flashes, but never anything close the pain you’d experience when waxing or threading.

Busting other myths about IPL hair removal

1) It won’t work on dark skin tones

When there is more melanin present in the skin, the IPL needs to adjust the intensity of light to avoid the beam from focusing on the skin, instead of the hair follicle. When IPL hair removal was new to the market, most devices were unsafe or ineffective for darker skin tones, as there wasn’t yet technology available that could adapt the IPL intensity to a person’s skin tone. Nowadays Braun IPL devices can automatically adapt the light intensity to match your skin pigmentation whether you have fair, olive, or some darker skin tones – though it’s important to read the label carefully, to ensure you’re buying the best IPL for you.

2) IPL hair removal isn't permanent

While IPL hair reduction doesn’t get rid of every follicle of hair on your body at the same time, it can progressively deliver1 year of visible hair reduction. As hair grows in stages, not all follicles will be ‘full’ with hair when you undergo an IPL treatment. Since only hairs in their growing phase are susceptible to treatment with light, it is important to do multiple IPL treatments to achieve long-lasting, continuously smooth skin.

3) IPL devices are expensive and require maintenance

Using IPL at home means you only paying once to remove hair across as many areas of the body as you want. While multiple trips to the salon can add up and become expensive, you can save money in the long run by using the Braun Silk-expert Pro. There’s no need to buy replacement lamps or lotions to use with the device – and best of all, its 400,000 flashes deliver an equivalent of 22 years of full body treatments, which means you’ll be saving more and more as time passes.

4) You cannot IPL in summer

It’s perfectly safe to do IPL hair removal during the summer months, though you should take extra care to wear sunscreen of at least 30 SPF to avoid burning. If your skin has become darker and tanned from the sun, your Silk-expert Pro IPL can detect this and adjust the light intensity accordingly.

Can IPL be safely used around sensitive areas?

It’s important to note that some areas of the body may be more sensitive than others and require a gentler form of hair removal: such as the bikini line. The Silk-expert Pro has been designed with a range of comfort modes, including an extra gentle setting especially designed for treating sensitive areas, which will help to reduce the chance of ingrown pubic hairs.

That being said, you should avoid using your IPL on extra-sensitive areas such as the genitals, nipples, or anus, as this could cause inflammation. You can use the Braun Silk-expert Pro 5 IPL in the Pubic Area, including mons pubis, labia majora, perineum and around the anus.

Can IPL be safely used around sensitive areas?

Using your IPL Safely: Before and After Treatment

Not sure how to use IPL safely?

Before your treatment

  • Avoid tanning booths, sunbeds, spray tans and tanning creams

  • Wondering how safe is IPL hair treatment? Ensure there are no open wounds, broken skin, or enflamed areas on the skin you’re planning to treat to ensure you avoid irritation

  • Avoid intense exfoliation treatments, such as microdermabrasion, as this increases the risk of inflammation and side effects after your IPL hair removal

  • Shave the area you’re planning to treat 12 to 24 hours beforehand

After your treatment

  • Don’t wear tight-fitting clothes after treatment as this can irritate your skin

  • Don’t use skin products that may irritate your skin, such as perfume, cleansers or exfoliators, for 24 – 48 hours after treatment.

  • Avoid hot showers, steam rooms and saunas

  • Wear sunscreen with a high SPF to keep the skin protected

How to Use IPL for the Best Results and Hassle-Free Hair Removal

1) Prepare for IPL treatment

  • Carefully shave all hair in the area you wish to treat

  • Pat yourself dry

  • Plug in your Silk-expert IPL

2) During IPL hair removal

  • Apply the IPL nozzle in full contact with the skin

  • For larger body areas, such as the legs, switch to Gliding mode, holding down the button and moving the IPL slowly along the skin.

  • For smaller areas, such as the armpits, switch to Stamp Mode, which will deliver a more precise treatment.

For sensitive areas, such as the pubic area, or if you are learning how to use, use the Gentle mode.

3) After

  • Wipe the nozzle clean after each use.

  • You can undergo another treatment in one week, for a period of up to 12 weeks. Then simply adjust to your needs, for example once a month, as hair visibly reduces.

  • Apply moisturiser at morning and night to keep the skin hydrated

How long does IPL hair removal last?

Anyone wondering what kind of lasting results to expect from IPL hair removal should know that the Silk-Expert Pro offers visible results after three weeks of use.

You can then expect further reduction for up to six months of salon-smooth skin in the comfort of your own home*. Braun IPL devices also feature SensoAdapt technology to ensure your treatment will always respond to your skin’s tone and adapt its intensity level for ultimate comfort.


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