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4 in 1 SmartCare Cleaning Center for Braun Series 5, 6 and 7 electric shaver (New generation)

  • Upgrade your shaver with the 4 in 1 SmartCare Center. Compatible with new generation Series 5, Series 6, Series 7 razor

  • Hygienical cleaning removing hair and skin particles from your shaver

  • Automatic charging

  • Blade lubrication

  • Smart program selection for ultimate maintenance

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Hygienically clean your shaver.

Remove hair and skin particles.

Hygienically clean your shaver


The alcohol-based cleaning solution hygienically cleans your shaver.



At the inituitive touch of a button, your shaver is charged for maximum convenience.



High energy lubricants maintain shavers blades for a shaver like new every day.

Smart programs

Smart programs

Select cleaning intensity to keep for optimal performance every day.

Braun Smart Care Center

Braun Smart Care Center

For a shave like new every day. Use Smart Care Centre when the 3 droplets appear on the cleaning station or after every shave for optimal performance.

Clean & Renew Refill cartridges

Clean & Renew Refill cartridges

Replace the refill cartridge every 2 months (after every second shave, based on an average of 5 shaves per week. Designed for 20 cleaning cycles).

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