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How to trim and get a perfect styled look

How to get the perfect beard & hair style at home

How to get the perfect beard & hair style at home

The Braun beard trimmer is great for getting a cool styled look.

In addition to trimming your full beard, keeping your designer stubble in check or shaping any other style, the Braun beard trimmer is great for getting a cool styled look. Just combine a shaved head with a one-day beard and trim it every day.

Step 1

To maintain this style after growing a sexy designer stubble, set the Braun beard trimmer to the closest setting. Trim your hair every day to keep your stubble from sprouting into a full beard. Don’t forget to use the Braun beard trimmer's styling functionality to give your stubble precise contours and keep it looking tidy.

Beard trimmer

Step 2

To complete the look, clip your hair to a short crop. This is not only a low-maintenance hairstyle, but also goes perfectly with a nice designer stubble. Of course you can also use the Braun beard trimmer's styling functionality to shave some cool patterns or lines into your close crop.

How to get the perfect beard & hair style at home

Step 3

As a perfect combination of a light hint of facial hair and a closely cropped hairstyle, this look works perfectly for all kinds of different styles, depending on how you wear it. From rugged to refined or sexy – this hot combo is a hassle-free and cool look that will express your individuality in an intriguing way.

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