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How to Trim & Style Sideburns: Step by Step Guide

How to Trim & Style Sideburns: Step by Step Guide

How to Trim & Style Sideburns: Step by Step Guide

Whether you style, shave, or fade your sideburns – learning how to care for and cut this facial hair is a useful skill when it comes to smartening up your look. In this guide we explain the types of sideburns, how to style sideburns, and how to maintain the look.

Importance of styling sideburns

If you want to balance out your facial features and frame them in the most attractive way possible, styling your sideburns should be a priority when it comes to personal grooming. A well-styled sideburn, whatever the length, can square off your jawline, enhance your hairline and minimise or maximise your cheeks.

Types of Sideburns


Classic sideburns stop at the mid-point of your ear and are trimmed to look full, neat and tidy.



Short sideburns stop a little higher up than the mid-point of your ear.



Long sideburns extend below the midpoint of your ear.



Tapered sideburns are trimmed from a full volume gradient to a low volume gradient, when the sideburn gradually tapers off into a skin fade.



Connected sideburns are grown all the way down to your jawline where they connect with your beard and/or moustache.


Choosing the Right Length for Sideburns

Except for those with a bald look, sideburns suit everyone. Choosing a natural design that suits your face shape is important. For a square face, a longer sideburn can work quite nicely in narrowing your jawline for a more chiselled look.

Long sideburns work well on men with round faces too, as they can help you appear more angular and help to define facial features.

If you have an oval, oblong, or diamond shaped face, sticking to mid-point sideburns is ideal. Use the finger test in the mirror, holding one index finger beneath each sideburn to see if they are even or need levelling up.

Step-by-Step Guide to Styling Sideburns

1. Start by washing and drying your facial hair, then brushing it in preparation for the fade or shave.

2. Trim longer hairs with your beard trimmer on its longest setting to tame the overall appearance of your sideburns and create shape. The width of the sideburns is up to personal preference. However, a good starting point is to have sideburns that are roughly the same width as your ear and taper gradually towards the bottom. This creates a natural and balanced look.

Step-by-Step Guide to Styling Sideburns

3. Clip hair with your trimmer on its second shortest setting towards your sideburns. For a fade, use the shortest setting at an angle to create a gradual skin fade gradient. The Braun Precision Trimmer can be a great choice. This versatile trimmer has different length settings and can be used to create various styles.

4. Repeat the process until your sideburns are styled as desired.

Step-by-Step Guide to Styling Sideburns

How to Maintain Sideburns

  1. Trimming your sideburns with short clippers every 3 - 5 days is the best way to keep them sharp, but it's best to adjust the timing to your own facial hair growth rate.

  2. Don't leave the upkeep too long.

  3. Wash your facial hair as part of your beard care routine for a sleek look.

  4. Apply a beard oil or balm to condition hair or skin once you're finished.

  5. Brush or comb your facial hair to keep it tidy and knot-free.

Sideburn Styling FAQs

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