What are the reasons behind a patchy beard?

What are the reasons behind a patchy beard?

What are the reasons behind a patchy beard?

Growing a beard is a feat many men attempt at some point in the lives, but achieving full-looking facial hair can be more difficult than it seems. If you’re growing facial hair for the first time, you might have looked in the mirror and wondered why it appears patchy in places.

A patchy beard is often due to factors out of our control, like genetics passed down from parents or varying levels of hormones. Sparse facial hair growth can also occur if your diet lacks certain nutrients and vitamins.

Have no fear. A patchy beard doesn’t have to be scratchy and weird. There are plenty of ways to promote facial hair growth, while maintaining a healthy, glossy and groomed appearance. We’ll also introduce you to some winning beard styles that could transform a patchy beard into a fashionable look.

Keep reading to learn how to grow a thicker beard, along with our favourite patchy beard styles, so you can look your best while it’s in the growing stage.

A beard brush may encourage growth

Growing a thicker beard might appear effortless to some, however this may simply be a result of darker facial hair or thicker hair follicles, which can create the appearance of fuller facial hair.

It’s not all in the genes, though. There are plenty of natural ways to encourage thicker beard growth, regardless of genetics. A healthy diet that is rich in nutrients can help to thicken out a patchy beard, while your daily routine can also have an impact if you take note of these steps:

  • Take regular exercise to encourage blood flow and hair growth.

  • Regularly exfoliate and clean the skin on the face, to encourage blood circulation and clear off dead skin cells.

  • Get enough rest and take steps to reduce stress levels, which can impact hair growth.

Natural ways to grow a thicker beard

How to grow facial hair faster

Brushing your beard is another great way to encourage facial hair growth, whilst improving the appearance of a patchy beard as it grows.

A daily brushing routine using your beard brush helps to release natural oils from the skin into the facial hair. It also helps to exfoliate, clearing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin.

Suffering from an itchy beard? The humble beard brush can also reduce itchy, enflamed skin under your beard through the same method of exfoliation, leaving your skin with plenty of space to breathe and grow new cells.

Caring for your beard is easy when you know how – check out the most important steps to achieving a healthy beard here.

How to grow facial hair faster

How to grow facial hair faster

Studies suggest that consuming certain vitamins and nutrients can help your hair to grow faster, stronger and healthier. This includes Vitamin A, which promotes cell growth in your body but especially in hair – which is the fastest growing tissue in the human body.

You can find Vitamin A in a range of foods and supplements, such as milk, eggs, yogurt and cod liver oil. If you’re following a vegan diet, consider consuming more kale, sweet potato, carrots and pumpkin – these vegetables all contain beta-carotene, which the body turns into Vitamin A.

Vitamin A also helps your body to produce sebum, a natural, oily substance that helps to keep your skin and hair follicles healthy.

There are more ways to encourage facial hair growth, including:

  • Maintain a varied diet, with plenty of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals

  • B Vitamins and Vitamin E & C are also linked to hair growth

  • Beard shampoos and conditioner can also contribute to strong, healthy facial hair

While you’re getting your healthy meal plans together, why not take a look at our guide to styling and trimming a patchy beard?

How to grow facial hair faster

Most popular long beard styles

Don’t let a patchy beard get in the way of your usual, stylish self – there are plenty of fashionable beard styles to try out with sparse facial hair.

The Chin Strap

The Chin Strap certainly has gotten popular in the past years, with Lewis Hamilton and Stormzy both sporting this beard style, which can be achieved even with patchy beard growth.

The Chin Strap is defined, sharp and unique – with no moustache, it can emphasise your facial features, especially for those with a strong jawline or an oval shaped face. Try to grow facial hair that covers the jawline and chin on both sides of face and follow our styling guide to achieve the perfect Chin Strap beard style.

Beard styling-Chinstrap

The Goatee

Can’t decide between growing a beard or moustache? The Goatee is the perfect middle-ground between the two, helping towards a sharply defined, professional look. If your patchy beard tends to grow thicker on your chin and moustache areas, the Goatee is perfect for you.

Try to grow your beard to at least 10mm before trimming to the Goatee style, to provide enough hair to properly contrast the rest of your face.

The Goatee

The 5 o'clock Shadow

Yes, it’s called the 5 o’clock shadow – but we recommend growing your facial for at least 24 – 48 hours to give you more to work with. Shave off any neck hair for a sharp contrast, before trimming down and blending out to achieve that sexy TV star smoulder.

The 5 o'clock Shadow

Find the perfect Braun beard trimmer to shape your beard growth

If you’re growing your facial hair out, a beard trimmer kit with a variety of styling options may be the best option to achieve your best look.

  • Braun’s BT7440 Beard Trimmer comes with a precision dial, 4 different attachments and a Gillette Fusion5 ProGlide razor, to ensure you can sport stylish facial hair, no matter how thick it tends to grow.

  • If your patchy beard can grow to a longer length, you might want to get your hands on Braun’s BT3440 Beard Trimmer. This beard trimmer kit comes with 2 combs, perfect for maintaining longer beard styles. That’s complete with a precision dial for 39 length settings and a Gillette Fusion5 ProGlide razor.

Braun Beard trimmer

Patchy Beard FAQs

Discover Braun's Trimmer range to style your perfect look

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