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Silk-expert Pro 5 PL5347

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  • 1 year of hair reduction. Visible results in just 2 uses.¹

  • Optimal power for every body part with SkinPro 2.0 (SensoAdapt™)—salon-like technology that automatically and continuously adapts to your skin tone.

  • Braun's fastest IPL for less missed areas. Flashes up to 125 times per minute for an effortless treatment & better skin coverage.

  • Gentle on skin thanks to two sensitive modes that reduce light intensity for a gentler treatment in sensitive areas like the face, armpit or bikini areas.

  • Standard, precision and wide heads for head-to-toe treatment—from legs, arms, chest and back to the face, armpit and bikini areas.

  • Register your product and get 5 years warranty.

Up to 6 months of visible hair reduction

1 year of smooth skin at home¹

5 min to treat both lower legs

5 min to treat both lower legs²

10 intensity levels

10 intensity levels

3 modes: normal, sensitive, extra sensitive

3 modes: normal, sensitive, extra sensitive

400,000 flashes

400,000 flashes

Product Highlights

What's in the box

Silk-expert Pro 5

Silk-expert Pro 5

2x Precision heads

2x Precision Heads

Wide head

Wide head

Venus Extra Smooth Swirl razor

Venus Swirl razor

Transformer including power cord and plug

Transformer including power cord and plug

Vanity Case

Vanity Case

¹Following recommended regimen, individual results may vary.
²Shared technology with Cyden.

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