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How to Get Rid of Facial Hair for Women?

How to Get Rid of Facial Hair for Women?

How to Get Rid of Facial Hair for Women?

Facial hair is a prominent issue, literally

Our face is where everyone looks first when they see us. And most of us want the world to see us without any facial hair. No surprise there are many facial hair removal methods for women: you can epilate (facial epilation), tweeze, wax, sugar, thread, burn, shave or bleach; use creams, lasers, IPL, electrolysis or make-up. Surface removal methods like shaving are quick and easy, but stubble grows back fast. Root removal methods like wax and epilation are long-lasting, but waxing yourself is messy and hard to do at home, and epilators are easy to use but often bulky - not very convenient for those quick touch-ups. So what now?

1. Always clean your face before removing hair to avoid clogging your pores

The skin on our face is more sensitive than the skin on the rest of our body. Therefore, it is important to ensure you have a clean face before proceeding with any type of facial hair removal. This is to avoid clogging your pores which may lead to breakouts. This seemingly straightforward task will make a huge difference to your hair removal routine, leaving you with the effortless skin you’ve always dreamt of.

Learn more about the simple ways you can wash your face the right way:

1. Always clean your face before removing hair to avoid clogging your pores

Remove Makeup First

Removing any makeup from your face is essential, the best way to do this is to cleanse gently so that the makeup comes off but doesn’t damage or aggravate your skin too much. You could use cleansing wipes and washcloths to do the job but if you want to achieve quick results, you can try using one of the Braun facial cleansing brushes, the extra sensitive (pink) or the normal brush (white). You can quickly give your face pore deep cleansing and with our normal brush it is 6x better than manual cleaning to prep your skin for hair removal.

Wash Face with Lukewarm Water

The temperature of the water you wash your face with has a lot more to do with the quality of the wash than you may think. Extreme cold or hot water temperatures can leave the skin irritated, which isn’t a great start before any facial hair removal procedure. So, it’s good to stick to the middle ground on this one.

Don’t over wash or over exfoliate

Facial exfoliation is a great way to rejuvenate your skin as it helps to remove the barrier of dead skin cells and any clogging in your pores. But here’s the catch, if you overdo it, it can pretty much have the opposite effect. Over-exfoliation can damage your skin’s natural barrier that protects it and helps it retain moisture. You can learn more about how to exfoliate by checking out our mini facial exfoliation guide.

Tips for choosing the right method for the right areas

We all have facial hair, whether it is visually recognizable by its color and density or just a light layer of peach-fuzz, facial hair is different for everyone, and it’s normal to have it. By the same token, it is normal to want to remove facial hair too.

The good news is that there is a wealth of options when it comes to facial hair removal at home which varies depending on different areas of your face. So, it’s important to make sure you know which method works best for you.

Eyebrows and Forehead

Who doesn’t want their eyebrows to be perfectly shaped into a symmetrical muse? It’s good to know there are ways to get rid of unwanted facial hair to achieve those dreamy brows. The precision head of our is perfect for this!

If your brows happen to be in place and it is only the areas around them that need a touch-up, then Braun Face Mini Hair Remover is the device for you. It works effortlessly to remove facial hair in smaller and more challenging areas such as forehead around the eyebrows, upper lip, cheeks, and chin. Its small size makes it easy to store at home and on the go. It even has a built-in smart light for spotting and removing fine peach fuzz for smooth and consistent facial hair removal results.

Benefit: The Braun Face Mini Hair Remover is fitted with a rotary cutting system and protective foil so you can get a close shave gently and safely.

There are other common ways to remove hair in this area but that can also lead to some uncomfortable side effects such as:

1. Threading is one of the most popular methods used for the eyebrow and forehead area as it does a great job in working with your eyebrow shape to clean up any unwanted hairs.

Cons: Can cause redness and inflammation whilst also being one of the painful hair removal options

2. Tweezing is a more precise method of hair removal. Tweezing can help tackle those wiry hairs that just won’t come to grip.

Cons: Can be painful and tricky to use on thinner hair

An alternative to tweezing that is more gentle on the skin, but offers long-lasting results, is the Braun FaceSpa Epilator.

3. Waxing is another common hair removal method for this area that’s faster than threading and tweezing and lasts for up to 4 weeks.

Cons: Unlike an epilator or tweezer’s ability to grab individual hairs, waxing can pull out hair with a lot of force. This puts your skin at higher risk of irritation so may not be the ideal method for smooth skin.

Upper lip

Our Braun 921 FaceSpa Epilator is ideal for removing hair from this area for the long-term, keeping you hair-free for up to 4 weeks. With 200 plucking motions per second, these devices are fast and capture fine hairs for long-lasting results.

Benefit: Our FaceSpa epilators are designed for use on hard to reach or tricky facial areas and are gentle on your skin.

Other methods of removing hair from the upper lip area include shaving, waxing, and threading. But with sensitive (and very visible!) facial areas, it’s always good to know about the side effects.

1. Shaving is a quick method, but traditional women’s razors aren’t designed with facial features in mind.

Cons: Shaving using regular razors may cause rashes, cuts, or razor burns.

2. Waxing removes hair in one swift motion, letting you enjoy being upper lip hair-free for up to 4 weeks.

Cons: An alternative quick method for facial hair removal on the go, while taking into account facial features, is our Braun Face Mini Hair Remover – works as a savior to remove a nasty hair discovery in the most inconvenient moment possible!

The Face Mini Hair Remover and FaceSpa epilator can also be used as complementary devices.

3. Threading puts less pressure on the skin than waxing, so it is better suited for people with sensitive skin.

Cons: As threading appointments generally require trips to a salon for this treatment to be done by a trained professional, it can be more costly than at home hair removal.


If you want to remove chin hair, we recommend our Braun FaceSpa Epilators, they are designed to be used on the delicate skin on your face and thus provide a safe and comfortable hair removal option.

Benefit: Braun FaceSpa Epilators are small and ergonomic, meaning you can use them to reach awkward spots under your chin with ease.

Along with facial epilation, shaving and threading are common choices for hair removal on the chin area.

1. Shaving removes hairs for smooth skin, but it only lasts 1-2 days. That means you need to be ready for constant maintenance, especially as that stubble grows back.

Cons: Shaving is prone to causing rashes, cuts, and burns, especially when used with traditional razors.

An alternative quick method here is our Braun Face Mini Hair Remover – works gently on the skin as a short-term solution for facial hair.

2. Threading works well if you have darker hairs, as they are easier to spot and thread out.

Cons: People with fairer skin and lighter hair may struggle to remove all chin hairs. Threading can also cause redness and inflammation.

Cheeks, sideburns, baby fluff, peach fuzz

Usually, the hair on the cheeks is finer and more difficult to tackle. Some may have what you call ‘peach fuzz’ or ‘baby fluff’, others may have more prominent hair on their cheeks and sideburns. Nonetheless, these areas are hard to cover and easier done with methods such as epilating to ensure you end up with the smooth base you desire.

Once again, using Braun FaceSpa Epilators can help to keep cheek hairs and sideburns at bay. Thanks to its 10 micro-openings, our FaceSpa epilators can capture even the finest of peach fuzz down to 0.02mm.

Benefit: Unlike waxing, you can epilate as soon as you see some regrowth, meaning you can stay hair-free for longer.

Threading this area is not recommended and might not yield the best results as the hairs are too fine. Other methods may include shaving or waxing.

1. Shaving offers a quick solution to unwanted hair.

Cons: Shaving this area frequently can create irritation, razor burn, and redness.

As compared to shaving, FS1000 works gently on the skin as a short-term solution for facial hair.

2. Waxing removes fine hair and is a quick option.

Cons: Waxing this delicate area can cause your capillaries to break causing unsightly redness.

Our recommendation: Absolute control and precision facial epilation with Braun FaceSpa

Although there are many ways to remove facial hair, each one comes with its not-so-smooth disadvantages. So, what other ways can you enjoy the long-lasting results of facial hair removal with full control and comfort from your grooming device?

Braun FaceSpa lets you enjoy up to seven treatments with one device. Simply switch attachments to accommodate all needs: epilation, exfoliation with a soothing brush, extra sensitive brush, a normal brush, beauty sponge, micro vibrating head for gentle application of creams and the skin vitalizing pad.

It accurately removes facial hair from the root with the facial epilator feature and deeply cleanses the skin with the facial brush. Gently and effectively buff away dead skin cells from precious facial areas to reveal fresh and youthful-looking skin. 

Our recommendation: Absolute control and precision facial epilation with Braun FaceSpa

How to get rid of facial hair – for up to 4 weeks of smooth skin with Braun FaceSpa.

Mono-brow: Remove hair against the direction of growth. Braun’s automatic rotation makes it easy so you can do this with a smooth, upwards movement. Switch hand or rotation for easy adjustments.

Face parts: Upper-lip Move slowly in a smooth movement across the upper lip.

Face parts: sideburns and baby fluff, other areas.Trim hairs first as longer hairs hurt to remove.

Eyebrow shaping: The facial epilator is not suitable for detailed eyebrow shaping. To shape and style your arches, use the Braun Brows.

How to get rid of facial hair – for up to 4 weeks of smooth skin with Braun FaceSpa.

Faster and efficient – Better than tweezers

With 12,000 plucking events per minute, it is much more thorough and considerably faster than a manual tweezer. It captures hair 3x times shorter than wax. And best of all: because it removes hair by the root it gives you up to 4 weeks of hair-free smooth, and beautiful skin.

Braun FaceSpa ensures long-last results without discomfort, leaving you with an effortlessly smooth glow.

Faster and efficient – Better than tweezers

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